Dr Kathleen Young_coaching_logo_Asset 1

You’ve spent so much time building the life you've always wanted but still feel like something’s missing.

Learn the skills to create meaningful, satisfying connections with the people around you and have the friendships you’ve always wanteD

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Making friends seemed so much easier when you were younger.

Even now that you're in midlife, you still hold onto your college friends and can’t imagine meeting people who ‘get you’ like they do.

But they all live so far away. 

You all have families and lives and it just isn’t easy to maintain that connection. 

You know you need to invest in relationships with people who live near you and are a part of your daily life because you want to feel more connected and settled in your community.

You want to be able to enjoy the company of friends without having to travel.

But it feels like a lot of work — 

Plus, you’re skeptical about whether these friendships will ever provide the connection you so deeply desire.  

You’re friendly with people at work but feel awkward socializing with them and aren’t even sure you want to.

And you’ve made some “mom friends” from your kids’ school, so you’re not a complete loner. 

But you find yourself wondering if you really like these mom-and-work people or whether they’re just friends out of convenience.

You want to find ”your people”

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but you’re worried you will never again meet friends who really ‘get you,’ friends who you can tell anything to and have fun with.

So even though you’ve built a career, started a family, have a house you love, the car you’ve had your eye on for years, and you finally took that dream vacation…when it comes to your friendships and having fun, meaningful connection with the people around you, you continue to feel disconnected and unsatisfied.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

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Your best, most satisfying friendships don’t have to stay as ‘nice memories’ from your younger years…

When you learn

That’s when you’ll have the skills and ease to finally have the relationships you’ve always wanted.

And that’s why I’ve created the exact program to support you along the way.


Have the Friendships You’ve AlwaysWanted

The small group relationship study and coaching program for women who want to have more connected and satisfying friendhips

During our 4 months together, you’ll hone your ability to actually enjoy your relationships with the people around you. 

This is the place where you’ll learn:

"I didn't know exactly what to expect from group coaching…"

Jewel Smay testimonial image

“I am most impressed by how well-curated the group is and how each individual seems to have something to learn and something to give.

It is a sort of community that Dr. Kathleen has created to generate the entire group’s advancement. I can’t wait to see where we all are at the end of our journey.

Even high-performers need coaching to stretch themselves.”

Jewel Smay

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Have the Friendships You’ve always wanted

We start April 14, 2024

Weekly Zoom calls – Sundays at 7:00pm EST

Join this 3-month group coaching program today

$1500 USD

Hi, I’m Kathleen

I’m a midlife coach for women who want to reclaim their vibrancy and excitement about their life and create the relationships they’ve always wanted. 

I am also a board certified psychiatrist and have worked in clinical practice for over 15 years. 

Which means I’ve seen a full range of the issues people experience in relationships – both good and bad. And I‘ve seen the other side of it when people are able to overcome their challenges.

i am kathleen

And because I’m not just a coach and psychiatrist, I’m also a human

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I used to have the same challenges as you.

Even though I’ve always known a lot of people and can be social when I want to be, I struggled to make close connections once I moved to the suburbs.

I would get fixated on all the ways I felt different and worried I would never find “my people.” 

Until one day it finally clicked and I realized that focusing on their differences and keeping people at arm’s length was the exact thing that was keeping me from creating the closeness I craved so much.

That was the turning point when I decided I had to do something about it.

I learned how to stop judging people (yes! This is a learnable skill, no matter how judgy you think you are!), which meant I could more easily enjoy them simply for who they are.

I learned how to fully accept all the parts of myself so I didn’t have to hide them anymore. This allowed me to be so much less concerned about whether other people would judge me.

And I learned how to be intentional about creating time and space for the people I now genuinely care about and WANT to spend time with.

I’m still not perfect at it (read: still human) but it gets easier each time I do it. 

And now my relationships feel even better than when I was in college.  Something I didn’t think was possible.

I can talk to my friends about how I feel with more ease which has allowed us to move beyond superficial niceties and have more meaningful interactions. 

I can leave social interactions WITHOUT feeling annoyed, discouraged and hopeless at the fear that ‘I won’t ever meet people I actually like’.

Now I feel energized and fulfilled by the connections in my life.

You can have this too.

I teach you the tools you need to be willing and able to be vulnerable with others so you can have the kind of mutually satisfying friendships that you’ve been wanting.

Have the Friendships You’ve always wanted

We start April 14, 2024

Weekly Zoom calls – Sundays at 7:00pm EST

Join this 3-month group coaching program today

$1500 USD

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Here’s what it takes to become the person who gets to actually ENJOY their relationships


Decide to give up judgment of other people who are showing up and doing their best

Once you learn how to stop fixating on where other people aren’t measuring up, that’s when you’ll have room for you to not have to do it perfectly. Which is what makes the next step in the process MUCH more do-able.


Learn true self-acceptance

When you focus on liking and accepting yourself first instead of trying to get others to like and accept you, the quality of your relationships will change and you’ll be able to enjoy people so much more. 

As you build this skill, you’ll finally experience what it’s like to relax and be yourself around others. You’ll  develop a genuine closeness and connection with people by allowing them to get to know the ‘real’ you. 

And you’ll develop a stronger connection to yourself.

Which means you’ll become less reliant on needing others to behave a certain way to create connection because you already feel OK within yourself. And that’s when relationships start to feel easy.


Identify your own needs and decide how you want them to be met

Identifying your emotional needs is an abstract-but-important skill that unfortunately we aren’t actually taught (at least most of us). 

When you’re clear about what you need (for example, maybe you discover one of your needs is validation), you can more easily figure out how to have these needs met instead of looking externally to other people and relationships to figure it out for you.

 Once you can identify and  meet your own needs, you will feel more satisfied. There is less pressure on the other person and more room for you to notice the ways they ARE showing up and adding to the relationship without the disappointment that comes when you feel like they aren’t meeting your needs.


Bring intentionality into it

Relationships DO take effort. Everybody’s busy, so you have to be willing to make plans and be persistent. But when you learn how to actually WANT to create the time and space to spend time with the people you care about, it gets so much easier.

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You won’t just study these friendship-elevating skills, you’ll apply them too

That’s what a live group coaching program is about.

We will meet weekly on Zoom to study and discuss  how to build satisfying, enjoyable friendships.

As you explore these topics in more detail, you’ll also be building relationships with each other and practicing how to let your guard down safely with other people.

You’ll practice building intimacy with the other women in the group and then be able to take those skills to your other relationships.

This is the magic of being in a group.  

It accelerates your progress because you’re learning new skills and then reinforcing what you’ve learned by practicing it in real time with guidance and feedback.

And I happen to be a “group ninja” and successfully bringing together groups of people for this purpose is one of my superpowers.

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Kai's testimonial
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How it breaks down

* Weekly live group coaching calls on Zoom

* Freindship-building Challenges

*Weekly email to the whole group with specific coaching and suggestions for each member.

*Private facebook group.

Have the Friendships You’ve always wanted

We start April 14, 2024

Weekly Zoom calls – Sundays at 7:00pm EST

Join this 3-month group coaching program today

$1500 USD

the life you actually want

This coaching won’t just impact the quality and depth of your friendships,

it will impact
ALL your relationships

The ones with your family, your kids, your boss (or even your job), your spouse, or your partner.  

The core building blocks of all relationships are the same and they all require a strong connection to yourself in order to thrive.

When you build a strong relationship with yourself, you become comfortable with who you are and what you need which allows you to safely be vulnerable with other people.

You will rely less on your relationships to provide you with validation and meet your needs because you will be doing this for yourself.

And then you can just show up and enjoy the people in your life without needing to change them in order to be happy and content.

“Group Coaching has made it easier to accept myself as I am now and take action in the face of difficult situations.”

“Kathleen is exceptional at facilitating introspection and motivating change. I am energized by meeting and hearing from other strong, successful women who are also questioning the same things I am. Being supported – and held accountable – by a community of people with similar struggles has made it easier to accept myself as I am now and take action in the face of difficult situations.”

Lauren Hoefle

Have the Friendships You’ve always wanted

We start April 14, 2024

Weekly Zoom calls – Sundays at 7:00pm EST

Join this 3-month group coaching program today

$1500 USD


The group will be composed of women in midlife who are looking to create more satisfying and connected relationships and start really enjoying the people in their lives.  They will be from diverse backgrounds and be at different stages in the process.  This variety will add a greater depth and breadth to the discussion and brainstorming.

All calls will be recorded so you can catch up on anything you have to miss or rewatch parts that you want to review.

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Have the Friendships You’ve always wanted

We start April 14, 2024

Weekly Zoom calls – Sundays at 7:00pm EST

Join this 3-month group coaching program today

$1500 USD

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