March 1-29
Friendship Accelerator Challenge

26: Letting Go of Forced Perfection with Keisha Edwards Hunt

In today’s episode, Kathleen speaks to Keisha Edwards Hunt, who at 24, was pregnant and enrolled in graduate school. Early in her pregnancy, her adviser encouraged her to take a leave of absence, doubting whether she would be able to complete the program as a single unemployed mother in a difficult relationship.

Unbeknownst to them, in the turmoils of her personal life, which she held with a lot of shame, embarrassment, and feelings of isolation and inadequacy, she would find her light and rise to her purpose. Keisha is now the President and CEO of Metas Solutions – a management consulting firm. She is also a public health specialist, a mother, stepmother, public health worker, and an IT consultant.

Tune in as Kathleen and Keisha speak about:
● When Keisha’s adult life journey began
● Navigating difficult relationships with the other parent
● Why it’s more than healthy to let go of love without harmony
● How it was like for Keisha and her son after losing his dad
● Why we at times miss the mark in trying to show compassion to grieving friends
● Keisha’s experience in forming new romantic relationships after Cliff’s death
● How Keisha found her light and where she is currently
● Being deliberate in carving out time for exploration and creativity
… and so much more!

To Connect with Keisha:
LinkedIn: Keisha Hunt

To connect with Kathleen:
FB: drkathleenyoung. coaching
IG: drkathleenyoung. coaching

Download your copy of Manage Your Fear

Life is too short to be unhappy at work.

But fear shows up and stops you from even allowing yourself to make a change.

Fear of disappointment. “I’ll apply for the dream job and I won’t get it”

Fear of failure. “There’s so much on the line” and “I’ll get overwhelmed and won’t be able to do it”.

That’s when your brain gives you all the reasons why you can’t even consider what your dream job and life could look like.

Manage Your Fear will show you how to move past your fear so you can actually get started on exploring the possibilities available to you.

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I am Kathleen

I am a midlife coach for women who want to reclaim their vibrancy and excitement about their life which for most women starts with their job.

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