February 6- March 29
How to Launch Your Neurodivergent Young Adult

2: What I Learned from My Beta Group

Many people aren’t pursuing the life they want because they are not sure of what lights them up, while others think it’s just not possible. So how does one get such thoughts out of their mind?

In this episode, Kathleen shares some golden nuggets from a recent beta testing she did over summer. She offered 14 free sessions to her Facebook friends to help them identify that one thing that would get them moving forward.

Tune in as she shares about: 

  • How she conducted her sessions
  • The main challenges she noted people are going through during the session (co-parenting, resentment that comes with marriages, etc )
  • The destructive nature of self-doubt
  • The scarcity mindset and how to get rid of it

… and so much more!


To connect with Kathleen Young:

Website: drkathleenyoungcoaching.com


Facebook: @dr.kathleenyoung.coaching

Download your copy of Manage Your Fear

Life is too short to be unhappy at work.

But fear shows up and stops you from even allowing yourself to make a change.

Fear of disappointment. “I’ll apply for the dream job and I won’t get it”

Fear of failure. “There’s so much on the line” and “I’ll get overwhelmed and won’t be able to do it”.

That’s when your brain gives you all the reasons why you can’t even consider what your dream job and life could look like.

Manage Your Fear will show you how to move past your fear so you can actually get started on exploring the possibilities available to you.

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I am Kathleen

I am a midlife coach for women who want to reclaim their vibrancy and excitement about their life which for most women starts with their job.

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